CVA Vision

CVA will be a learning community where students will receive a relevant and rigorous educational experience facilitated by technology combined with teacher support. CVA will deliver standards-based, student-centered online courses for all eligible students by expanding their academic options to further develop 21st century skills for success.

Mission Statement

The mission of Columbia Virtual Academy is to provide a nontraditional, technology rich learning experience to meet the diverse needs of all Columbia County students, preparing them for successful entrance into post-secondary education and tomorrow's workforce.

Virtual Instruction FAQs

What is a “virtual instruction program”? Section 1002.45(1), Florida Statutes (F.S.), defines a “virtual instruction program” as one that takes place in an interactive learning environment created through technology in which the student and teacher are separated from each other by time or space or both.

Is Virtual Instruction the same as Home School? No. Home schooling is carried out by a parent/guardian and Virtual instruction relies on accredited courses of study taught by certified instructors. However, home school students may use the virtual courses as their curriculum.

How will the students “meet” with their instructors? Our virtual program requires and encourages frequent communication between the students and their instructors. Students will be able to call, email or text their teachers as often as needed. In addition, teachers will be available for face to face meetings with students at least once a week to provide instruction, support and tutoring. There is a welcome call and other communication for each course.

What if a student with an IEP wants to enroll? By enrolling in a "school of choice", a child's IEP may need to be modified. This means that the special education or related services provided to your child at his or her school of enrollment may/may not be available to him/her through CVA. Parents will be advised during the application process to make appropriate academic placement choices for your student.

How does grading work? CVA uses the same grading process as the other schools in Florida per Florida Statute. Final grades will be posted in FOCUS when courses are completed. This will include failing and passing final grades. Your student’s GPA and credits attempted/earned will be effected the same as if they were in a brick and mortar classroom. Parent/guardians are highly encouraged to login to view their child’s progress throughout the course.

Are virtual students required to take the state assessments and EOCs? Yes. Virtual students are required to take the state assessments (FSA) and any other required standardized tests. Students will take these assessments at their designated Columbia County School. Are Honors classes available? Yes. There are many courses available for Honors credit. During the application process, it will be determined which level of study would be appropriate (regular/honors).

​Are online courses offered at a specific time during the school day? By their nature, online courses do not have to be offered at a specific time of the day. Online courses may be scheduled during the regular school day or beyond.

Does the virtual curriculum and course content in public virtual education programs have to meet state standards? Yes. The virtual curriculum and courses are required to meet state standards.

When may students enroll in district virtual instruction programs? CVA enrollment periods are posted on our website (home page).

How is the district VIP held accountable for student performance? The district VIP is held accountable in several ways: It is a school choice program, so parents can choose this option or other educational options for their children. Its funding is performance-based—that is, based on “successful completions.” If a student does not pass a virtual course or successfully complete the prescribed level of content that counts toward promotion, the student will not generate funding for that course.