Safe Schools
3 months ago
Bullying Form
When someone says or does something
unintentionally hurtful, and they do it once, that's
When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful, and they do it once, that's
When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful, and they keep doing it even when you tell them to stop or show them that you're upset, that's

FortifyFL App
- We are pleased to announce that the FortifyFL app is LIVE. Now, any student, educator, parent, or member of the public can report school safety concerns directly to law enforcement and school administrators anonymously and easily through the FortifyFL app or The app, which is available for download on Apple and Android mobile devices, is critical to ensuring all Florida schools are safe environments where students and educators can experience and share the joy of learning without fear. We hope that you will become familiar with this tool and help us spread the word about it with our students.
Department of Children and Family Services
Abuse Hotline
The Florida Abuse Hotline accepts reports of known or suspected child abuse, neglect or abandonment, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.