Contact Us

4 days ago

218 NW County Road 25A

Lake city, florida 32025

(386) 755-8060

Transportation Office                                               

Daniel Taylor  Director of Transportation 

(386) 755-8062

Dana Nehring  ESE Route Coordinator 

(386) 755-8006

William Highland  Driver Trainer / Route Coordinator

(386) 755-8060

Reneka Rothwell Clerk Typist              (386) 755-8060

Scotty Kirkman  Coordinator of Fleet Mechanics    

 (386) 755-8063


 Jeff Horne (386) 755-8061

Shop Mechanics:

Trent Walker, Thomas Alford, Henry Camiel, Steve Markham, Quinton Callum


ESE Routes

Special transportation is provided to our students that meet qualifications and whose I.E.P. requires such transportation privileges. This does not guarantee “door to door” service, however, we do transport regardless of distance and other exceptions opposed to regular transportation of students.

A parent or guardian must be visible in the afternoon when the bus arrives.

If you have any questions or concerns contact the office:

Phone: (386) 755-8006

Frequently Asked Questions

4 days ago

  • How do I get transportation for my child?

Routing is based upon the legal address the school has on file for a student. It is the parent’s responsibility to provide documentation of their 911 address to the school(s). Transportation will assign a bus stop, in alignment with School Board policy and state guidelines.

  • How far will my child be required to walk?

CCSB Policy 8.13 states when a student lives within 1.5 miles of the school he/she attends, the student will walk to that school.  When a student lives more than 1.5 miles from the school he/she attends, but within 1.5 miles of any school, the student will walk to the nearest school and go by shuttle bus to the school he/she attends.  When a student lives more than 1.5 miles from any school, the student will walk to the bus stop designated by the Director of Transportation; provided no student will be required to walk more than .5 miles to a bus stop.  Students will be required to be at the place designated on the loading side both morning and afternoon and ready to board the bus at the time indicated on the bus schedule.

  • Can my VPK student ride the school bus?
Voluntary Pre-K students are not eligible for transportation due to funding and/or resources. 

  • Why is the bus late?

School bus drivers can have the same reasons as motorists have for being late. Traffic delays, weather conditions, accidents, or driver illness are just a few reasons. School buses also have mechanical breakdowns or “no starts” that cause delays in picking students up on time.  The school bus driver must run the entire route in the morning regardless of any delays.

The school bus driver will make every effort in the morning to be at each bus stop and assigned schools at the same time as much as humanly possible.  If your child’s bus is continuously operating off schedule, please call the transportation office at 386-755-8062 or 755-8060.

  • Is my child required to wear a seat belt?

Yes, Florida Statute 316.6145 requires the use of seat belts by all students on a school bus with safety belts or restraint systems. Students shall wear a properly adjusted and fastened safety belt at all times while the bus is in operation.  The law requires the proper usage of the safety belt, therefore the passenger must be seated in a seat with an operable belt.

  • Can I get my student off the bus at a stop other than their designated stop?

For the safety of all students, no student may depart the bus at any location other than his/her assigned bus stop and/or school.  

  • My child needs to go home with a friend or get off at a different bus stop from his/her assigned bus stop?

Bus passes can only be issued for an existing bus stop on an EMERGENCY basis.  Parent/Guardian will need to send a written request to the principal for approval. Requests may only be granted if the bus is not operating at full capacity. If the request is approved the student will hand pass to bus driver upon boarding the bus.  The bus driver cannot accept handwritten notes from the parent/guardian, the request must be approved by the principal.

  • Can my child use his/her cell phone on the bus?

Wireless communication devices can be used on a school bus.  Students can only use only one earpiece. One ear must remain clear for emergency instructions from the bus driver or bus aide.  Violation of the above may result in the imposition of disciplinary action, and us in a criminal act will result in criminal penalties. (Section 1006.07 Florida Statutes)  


4 days ago

Drive Carefully! 

Florida Statute 316.172

Any person using, operating, or driving a vehicle on or over the roads or highways of this state shall, upon approaching any school bus which displays a stop signal, bring such vehicle to a full stop while the bus is stopped, and the vehicle shall not pass the school bus until the signal has been withdrawn.  A person who violates this section commits a moving violation, punishable as provided in chapter 318.  Any person using, operating, or driving a vehicle that passes a school bus on the side that children enter and exit when the school bus displays a stop  signal commits a moving violation, punishable as provided in chapter 318, and is subject to a mandatory hearing under the provisions of s.318.9.  The driver of a vehicle upon a divided highway with an unpaved space of at least 5 feet, a raised median, or a physical barrier is not required to stop when traveling in the opposite direction of a school bus which is stopped in accordance with the provisions of this section.

Remember school buses are transporting the most precious cargo, our children!


The State of Florida is a “No Fault” state, and injuries sustained by your child while on a school bus are covered under your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage provided by your personal automobile policy. Please make sure you contact your automobile insurance carrier to report all injury claims.